I am Robert Mitchell, Founder of UNI-FIED RECORDS OF CANADA. I have been in many Bands throughout my life, but my Music Career all began when I wrote a Song Titled: “Gorgon Queen”. It is from this Song Title, that I took and am now working with the Band Name Gorgon.
My first Band was called, “SPARK PLUG AND THE BATTERIES”, we performed at the local Pubs here in Toronto, Larry’s Hideaway, The Headspace, The Cabana Room, to name a few. We recorded a Seven Song EP, that was never released.
My second Band was called, “THE VOICE”. We recorded another Eleven Songs that were again, never released.
( I will add here, that every Major Record Company in Canada and the U.S.A. Turned down the Projects and dismissed all of our submitted Demos). It was then, that I decided I did not need a Major Record Label, I decided that I could create my own Record Company and Publish my own Music.
In 2021, I registered my Business Names and Published the First CD Release on my own Canadian Independent Record Label, UNI-FIED RECORDS OF CANADA. The Band named, “GARBAGE BIN” had a Great Single Titled: “Hand of Doom”, which is now available on all Popular (150), Streaming Platforms.
Now, 2022, I will be Publishing the First Single by: “GORGON”, the Song Titled: “MANIC DEPRESSION”, will be available for the Summer of 2022, with subsequent Singles, and a Full Length CD with Eighteen Page Booklet to follow.
I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel! It is my hope that all Independent Musicians here in Canada, will see the Fruition of all of their efforts, will continue to use the Pen to put Words on Paper and to fill Musical Staffs with Music Notation.
Robert Mitchell-GORGON